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Welcome Back! Now What? Post Trip Lesson Ideas

The students have just returned from an incredible class trip, and now you’re eager to evaluate what they’ve learned during this enriching experience. Traditionally, this might involve a standard oral…

Preparing for a student trip

There are a lot of moving parts to consider when planning a class trip like budget, fundraising, airfare, lodging, transportation, itinerary, chaperones, safety, etc. That feeling of overwhelm beginning to…

The Recipe To Become A Great Teacher

A great teacher can change a student’s life forever. But ask a hundred different students the question of what makes a great teacher, and you will get about a hundred…

Student Travel and Sense of Self

U.S. author and filmmaker, Carew Paprtiz once said, “I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much…

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